'80s and '90s musical discourse.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

random ridiculous lyrics from 1996. just because.

Hey freak. Can you name these songs?

1. You are the bearer of unconditional things.

2. Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole.

3. You swim like lions through the crest and bathe yourself in zebra flesh.

4. How many special people change?

5. When I scatter my spit, I dream of juice.

6. Bowel shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse.

7. Emptiness is loneliness and loneliness is cleanliness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1 & 2: Head Over Feet
3. No idea
4. Champagne Supernova
5. no clue
6. The Distance
7. Zero


About Me

I wrote two books: Don't Dream It's Over: The '80s Music Party Game and Things That Make You Go Hmmm: The '90s Music Party Game (out in October).